Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Does anybody hear it RING?

We are considering getting a new video doorbell. Something to keep an eye on the troublemaker living down the street. Just a little something so we know if he is ever trying to cause a little trouble for us. We aren't suspicious of him or anything. We just want to be super careful these days with two young kids and don't need to worry about what is going on when we aren't home (or heck even when we are home). Does anyone have the Ring or any other competitor? Any feedback is welcome to help us decide if this is right for us.

Check out the Ring here. (affiliate link, MLAIP receives a small commission if you purchase through my link)

He's One!!!

This year has to have been the fastest year on record for our family. Having two kids makes the time speed by so much more than with just one. It is hard to take time to reflect, but the milestone days are easy time markers.

So, dear son, may your first birthday be a happy day filled with laughter, toys, long cozy naps, lots of snuggles and all of your favorite treats. And this next year as you continue to grow and change, may you stay a sweet, happy and easy going lovable little man. Your parents, sister and dog love you so much and would be lost without you. :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Back from our Summer Vacation!

It has been a while since my last post. We were away visiting family in Virginia. It was the first flight for both kids and was a successful trip! 

We had two uneventful flights and a week of fun activities, delicious meals and unbearably hot weather!

A big thank you to our lovely host, Aunt J!

Yesterday we were back to the grind: Daddy went to work and the kids and I started to get ready for the babys first birthday. Yes, he is going to be one in one week. How quickly that time went by. 
Here are a few highlights from the trip. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Summer Cold

Why is there even such a thing as a summer cold? Once the weather warms up finally, nobody wants to be sick. Well this is at least the second cold the baby has had in the past 3 weeks. 😷😭 We are taking our first flight as a family of 4 soon and I am a little bit terrified of what condition we will all be in if this pattern of summer colds continues. This most recent sickness has involved a fever up and down, runny nose and lots of throwing up. Even though the baby must feel so awful, he is still happy and smiling. I know I certainly wouldn't be smiling if I had a fever, runny nose and had just thrown up.