Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Ring Review

As promised a review of our recently purchased ring doorbell:

We went with the cheapest version with the least amount of features. It seemed like it would serve our purposes. 
Satin NickelBefore we set it up one thing we knew we might have an issue with was our network. We have a very old router that works, but is a little slow and doesn't reach all parts of the house well.
After unboxing, we had a little trouble connecting the device to the app on our phones. It took a little while, a few reboots and trying a few different ways to connect before it started to work. 

We charged the battery up overnight and installed the next morning. It was easy to install and came with a detachable level. Somehow it never looks level when it is. That probably has to do with our house not being level at all. 

The size is big and it doesn't fit very well in the spot we had our old doorbell, but I am sure we will get used to seeing it there eventually. The picture was a bit delayed and the doorbell is constantly detecting motion. Every time a car drives by we get an alert. I am already getting annoyed with my phone constantly chiming. 

The button is a little harder to push than I thought it would be. It doesn't appear to register a push right away. I do like that it chimes at the doorbell and on our phones, so if you are ringing the bell, you know if you have pressed it or not. I don't know if you can change the sound you hear when you push the button. If so, I would like to change it and I will research this later. 

Night vision isn't the best view. It is hard to make out any details. If something were to be caught on this at night, not sure how much help the recording would be to identify anything. We are hoping with an upgrade to our router, this will be more clear and the response time will be faster to when it started recording after detecting motion. 

The app is limited and feels clunky to navigate. Not all of the features are intuitive and there isn't an intro tutorial when you first open the app.
Pulling up a live view is slow and seems to drain the battery of the doorbell more quickly. Charging this model requires removing the doorbell off the mount. This is done with a special tool (which is good, so it is harder to steal the doorbell). If someone did steal it, I would consider adding a visible security camera. Didn't think we will need that, but who knows. 

We are both excited to have this new visibility, but annoyed by a few minor things. 

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