Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The rainbow connection

What a great song! We are outside enjoying this beautiful day listening to some tunes. The spring and early summer are some of the best times to enjoy all of what nature has to offer. There aren't a ton of mosquitos out and the flowers are all in bloom. The only downside is all of the allergens in the air. Luckily I am the only one with spring allergies and they are very minor. 

Anyone have any ideas on how to spend time outside with a baby who is either not mobile yet or only crawling? Since we replaced our back deck last year and there is no chance of the baby eating paint or getting splinters we can actually enjoy the backyard! He still has to be watched like a hawk since he will eat all the bugs and tree droppings. 

More fun for big sister being able to run around in the backyard, play with her water table and go on bunny hunts.
Is it awful that I know all the words to do many kids songs and sing along? 😑

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