Monday, June 17, 2019

Replacement Freemie Valve Review

With my second baby I was eligible for a new pump. In August of 2018 I received my Freemie Independence. I wasn't pumping often until one of my friends had a dip in supply and I started giving my extra to help fill the deficit. In April I stared pumping once a day every day mostly using the new pump. Over the past couple weeks I noticed a huge drop in how much I was pumping. I decided to order replacement valves to see if that was the problem. The replacement valves arrived on Father's Day. I washed them according to the instructions and used them today for the first time.

With the original valves that the Freemie Independence came with, I was down to getting only a few drops or maybe a half an ounce at most from both sides. This morning I was able to get 6.1 ounces from both sides! That is exactly the same amount I got yesterday from my Medela pump.

I would say that these valves are just as good, if not better, than the original ones that came with the pump. I like how clear and easy to follow the instructions were. I also liked that there were 4 in the package. These valves are highly recommended and what I will purchase if I need to replace again.

Happy pumping (as happy as it can be :) )!

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